
Hey! It’s Alessandra founder and owner of Reppucci.

Reppucci is about sharing my love for details and creativity with you.

Reppucci is a brand founded in the heart of the Dolomites. We are a 100% Italian brand (and proud to be!). All our products are hand-made in Italy which enables us to care about the tiniest details throughout the whole production process. Our products are made to last, and we believe that the unicity of each piece makes them perfect! Just like for you, your quirks and imperfections make you perfect just the way you are!

We are here to celebrate life and the love for outdoor activities, we want to be with you when you are living your life to the fullest! The brand was born from our love for skiing and the mountains but our gloves are made to be your companions in every situation, from climbing the Monte Rosa, to going shopping, to simply enjoying the snow or even horse riding. You are the creator of your story and we would love to be a part of it!

FUN FACT: We gLove you.
